Call us on 1300 799 067

Get your ducks in a row before the end of financial year.

We help get unpaid invoices paid.

Get more cash in, without the stress of chasing poor-paying clients. We’re the debt collection agency trusted by tradies.

    We help get unpaid invoices paid.

    Call us on 1300 799 067

    Get your ducks in a row before the end of financial year.

      Get more cash in, without the stress of chasing poor-paying clients. We’re the debt collection agency trusted by tradies.

      Small Business Debt Recovery | Debt Collection Help


      All companies require profitability and cash flow if they are to survive in the ever-changing & unstable business world. Bad debt can have a devastating effect on a business, rendering them unable to fund their own business needs and ultimately forcing them to shut their business down. Bad debt can ruin your company as it impacts on your reputation, your cash flows and ability to meet financial commitments, and your ability to pay staff.

      There are a number of reasons why a small business can fall into debt. While some are harder to control such as an economic recession (the GFC for example) most are caused by poor management, loose credit management controls and incorrect decision making by company owners. One of the best ways to deal with your own bad debts and hence ensure adequate cash reserves and / or profitability is by enlisting the services of Score Debt Management. Our professional expertise and advice in small business debt recovery will ensure you are taking every opportunity to minimise your bad debts.

      In general terms companies wait far too long to utilise the services of a debt recovery agency. The longer you wait the greater the impact on your own cash flows and the lower the likelihood of a successful debt collection.

      Solutions in debt recovery with Professional Collection

      Regardless of how long a customer has maintained consistent payment habits, there is no guarantee that they will continue to do this. The onus is on your company to monitor those payment trends and to place the debt for recovery before it escalates out of control. Professional Collection is there to assist in debt recovery, no matter how small the debt or how irregular your needs may be. If you feel uncomfortable chasing clients for payments, and don’t want that burden on your shoulders, Professional Collection can physically collect debt, serve debt collection letters and make personal demands on your behalf, all at an affordable price.

      Lack of payment from customers can have a serious impact to business owners and negatively impact on cash lows and bottom line performances. They can cause the demise of your business if left uncontrolled. Don’t delay – contact Professional Collection now on 1300 num ber Australia-wide to organise your small business debt recovery.

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      Company Information

      Brisbane: Level 5, 49 Sherwood Rd, Toowong QLD 4066 Po Box 341, Toowong QLD 4066

      Melbourne: Level 14, 380 St Kilda, Rd Melbourne VIC 3004

      Sydney: Level 13, 135 King St, Sydney NSW 2000

      Perth: 45 Ventnor Ave West Perth, WA 6005

      Professional Collection Services

      PO Box 341, Toowong, QLD 4066

      P: (07) 3831 5222

      P: (07) 3831 5655